Tell me everything.

Tell me about a moment when you quit — and regretted it later.

Tell me about a moment when you quit — and did not regret it later.

Tell me about a moment when you felt intense shame.

Tell me about a moment when you felt intense joy.

Tell me about a moment when you felt like your world was ending.

Tell me about a moment when you felt like your world was beginning.

Tell me a secret you’ve never told anyone else.

Tell me about your current hero and why you admire them.

Tell me one thing that would feel like a miracle for you right now.

Tell me how I can help you to create the miracle you want.

Email these questions to someone you love. Or sit down and ask them in person. Listen. Learn. Connect. Discover something beautiful, new and true. Switch roles. Take turns. Share your own stories. Reveal what it feels like to be you.