Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.

“Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.” –Dalai Lama

We often discount “kindness” as something weak, silly, naïve or unimportant.

Something for children and airheaded adults. Sweet marshmallow fluff for holiday cards. Certainly not a mark of intelligence.

I don’t agree.

I have come to believe that being kind — especially in the midst of challenging, distressing circumstances — is the highest form of intelligence.

Kindness requires patience, courage and generosity — combined with the ability to communicate gracefully.

Kindness can change someone’s entire day.

Kindness can restore hope.

Kindness is not a joke.

We can practice “being kind” every day — in small, but meaningful ways.

– When you unsubscribe from an email list, you can add a compassionate note in the “Why did you unsubscribe?” box.

“I am de-cluttering my inbox. Thank you for understanding. Keep doing your excellent work.”

– When you are unhappy with a product, you can express your dissatisfaction gracefully.

“This product disappointed me because it wasn’t what you described. I’d love to explain why, in case the details are helpful to you…”

– When you are writing an email, you can organize your thoughts neatly and calmly.

“I don’t want to interrupt your time with your family, so I’ll be very brief. No rush on this. Please respond whenever you can.”

Small actions, performed with kindness, add up to create a better, safer, more humane world.

Kindness is not frivolous. It makes a difference.

Be kind whenever possible.

It is always possible.

What is the kindest thing that someone did for you — or said to you — this week?