33 prompts to unlock new blog posts and stories that need to be told.

“What should I write about?”

Not sure? Feeling blank?

Fill out the following statements. Pay attention to the phrases that make your heart beat a little faster. Those are the topics you should definitely write about first.

. . .

For years, I’ve been saying, “I ought to write a book about ___________________.”

I care deeply about helping people ___________________.

I (secretly) want to write about ___________________.

People are always asking me how I ___________________.

I wish people would ask me how to ___________________.

I don’t know EVERYTHING about ___________________, but I know enough to give somebody a considerable head start.

I don’t have anything particularly “innovative” to say. I just want to remind people that it’s OK to ___________________.

I don’t have anything “radical” to say. I just want to show people how to ___________________ and have fun doing it.

I have SO many great tips on how to___________________.

I have THE funniest story about that one time I ___________________.

I know a TON about ___________________.

I really want to be known as an expert on ___________________.

I really want to be known as someone with a fresh twist on ___________________.

I seriously believe the world would be a much better place if we could all just ___________________.

I think people might be inspired by my story about ___________________.

I will never, ever get tired of talking about ___________________.

I’ve got a weird, inexplicable obsession with ___________________.

I’ve got super-strong opinions about ___________________.

If a friend of mine was too afraid to ___________________, what I’d want to tell him / her is ___________________.

If a space discovery program asked me to write a short essay about “what it means to be human” — a message for alien races and future human generations to read — I’d tell the story about that one time I ___________________.

If I gave people a secret glimpse into my ___________________, what they’d find inside is ___________________.

If there’s one recurring lesson in my life — one that I’ve learned over and over, in different ways — it’s definitely

It probably doesn’t “make sense” in terms of my business / career, but I’m just dying to write about ___________________.

It’s not “fancy” or “special” or even that “unique,” but I suspect people would be really curious to take a peek at my ___________________.

Most people think that ___________________ is really complicated, but I know that it can be ___________________.

One thing I’m tired of seeing in the world is ___________________.

One thing that makes me absolutely sick is ___________________.

One thing that I think is completely amazing — that everybody should know about! — is ___________________.

The worst break-up / fight / conflict I ever experienced was ___________________ and what I learned was ___________________.

When ___________________ happened to me, I felt so ashamed / alone / angry / frightened. I’d like to share that story, so that other people know they’re NOT alone.

When a friend of mine is in pain because of ___________________, what I want to tell him / her is ___________________.

When my heart is breaking, what I wish somebody would tell me is ___________________.

When I’m ready to leave this world, and my dearest friends surround my bedside and ask me, “Do you have any last words of advice? One last secret to share? A story to tell?” I’ll smile and tell them all about ___________________.

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What are you going to write about today?